New Article * 작성자 * 비밀번호 메일 홈페이지 * 제목 에디터 * 본문 achor wrote >Experiment 43 Othell Rogue: Single vs Dual Daggers damage > >Purpose: In a series of tests, calculate the minimum, maximum and average damage when an Othell Rogue uses a single dagger/dual daggers with different STR/DEX values. > >Test conditions: Two characters took part in the experiment: a level 99 Dwarf Othell Rogue and a level 99 Orc Sigel Knight. > >The Dwarf was equipped with the following items: >Amaranthine Shaper Focus +4 0 Atr Amaranthine Dual Dagger Damage +4 0 Atr > >The Orc was completely unequipped. > >The Dwarf had studied the following passive skills: >Dual Dagger Mastery Superior Dagger Mastery Superior Critical Mastery > >The Dwarf successfully used the Blood Stab 8 lvl skill 1,000 times for each of the DEX/STR values and each of the weapons used in the test. The results were put in the table below: > > > > > > Weapon > > STR > > DEX > > Min Dmg > > Max Dmg > > Avg Dmg > > > > Amaranthine Shaper > > 130 > > 50 > > 18652 > > 40125 > > 26448 > > > > Amaranthine Shaper > > 100 > > 80 > > 18294 > > 39133 > > 27226 > > > > Amaranthine Dual Dagger > > 130 > > 50 > > 17395 > > 40327 > > 25452 > > > > Amaranthine Dual Dagger > > 100 > > 80 > > 17089 > > 40128 > > 26341 > > > > >STR - Dwarf’s STR >DEX – Dwarf’s DEX >Min Dmg – minimum damage from Blood Stab >Max Dmg – maximum damage from Blood Stab >Avg Dmg – average damage from Blood Stab per 1,000 successful skill uses. > >Conclusion: Min Dmg and Max Dmg with the Blood Stab skill with 130/50 STR/DEX are higher than those with 100/80 STR/DEX. On the contrary, the average damage from Blood Stab is higher for 100/80 STR/DEX due to a greater number of critical hits with Blood Stab. > >정리하자면, >오셀의 경우 STR이 높을 때 최소/최대 대미지는 높지만 >DEX가 높을 때 더 높은 평균 스킬 대미지를 갖게 됩니다. >스킬 크리티컬 영향이 더 크다 할 수 있겠지요. > >한손과 양손의 대미지는 다른 게시물에서도 볼 수 있지만 >저인챈에서는 한손단검이 더 높습니다만 >충분히 고인챈이 되면 양손단검이 역전하게 됩니다. >(JT052 한손단검 vs 양손단검 참조) > >- achor 분류 공지일반론노하우실험실기타정의계산법아이템컨트롤JUJIReportYUMI툴킷 공개여부 비공개 파일 비회원은 업로드가 제한됩니다. 시기 CC1CC2CC3CC4CC5CC6CT1CT2CT3CT4CT5CT6CT7CT8CT9CT10CT11CT12GD1GD2GD3GD4GD5GD6GD7GD8GD9ET1 reCaptcha 스팸성 광고물을 방지하기 위하여 초 후에 게시물 등록이 가능합니다.