Testing: Othell Skill Damage
Question: Which provides overall greater skill damage/dps, Single Dagger or Dual Daggers
Reason: Not sure if it has been actually tested yet, I have my own opinions about it and prefer dual daggers and some others I know swear about single daggers. Time to settle the differences.
Weapons: +4 Amaranthine Shaper and +4 Amaranthine Dual Dagger
Character A: Human Level 99 Othell Rogue
Character A Status: No Armor/Equipment with Soulshots and Heavenly Cocktail Buffs
Character B: Human Level 99 Othell Rogue
Character B Status: No Armor/Equipment with Heavenly Cocktail Buffs
Last edited by Juji; 11-13-2012 at 02:16 PM. Reason: +16 Skill Damage Test Added