Zealot 1
Speed +10, HP Restored from heals -50%
With Fist or any kind of Blunt:Atk. Spd. +10%, Accuracy +6, Critical Damage +33%
With Polearm or any kind of Sword:Critical +33, Atk. Spd. +10%, Accuracy +6
Zealot 2
Speed +20, HP Restored from heals -50%
With Fist or any kind of Blunt:Atk. Spd. +20%, Accuracy +6, Critical Damage +66%
With Polearm or any kind of Sword:Critical +66, Atk. Spd. +20%, Accuracy +6
Zealot 3
Speed +30, HP Restored from heals -50%
With Fist or any kind of Blunt:Atk. Spd. +30%, Accuracy +6, Critical Damage +100%
With Polearm or any kind of Sword:Critical +100, Atk. Spd. +30%, Accuracy +6