YE043 STR/DEX, 한손/양손 단검에 따른 대미지

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Experiment 43 Othell Rogue: Single vs Dual Daggers damage

Purpose: In a series of tests, calculate the minimum, maximum and average damage when an Othell Rogue uses a single dagger/dual daggers with different STR/DEX values.

Test conditions: Two characters took part in the experiment: a level 99 Dwarf Othell Rogue and a level 99 Orc Sigel Knight.

The Dwarf was equipped with the following items:
Amaranthine Shaper Focus +4 0 Atr Amaranthine Dual Dagger Damage +4 0 Atr

The Orc was completely unequipped.

The Dwarf had studied the following passive skills:
Dual Dagger Mastery Superior Dagger Mastery Superior Critical Mastery

The Dwarf successfully used the Blood Stab 8 lvl skill 1,000 times for each of the DEX/STR values and each of the weapons used in the test. The results were put in the table below:

Weapon STR DEX Min Dmg Max Dmg Avg Dmg
Amaranthine Shaper 130 50 18652 40125 26448
Amaranthine Shaper 100 80 18294 39133 27226
Amaranthine Dual Dagger 130 50 17395 40327 25452
Amaranthine Dual Dagger 100 80 17089 40128 26341

STR - Dwarf’s STR
DEX – Dwarf’s DEX
Min Dmg – minimum damage from Blood Stab
Max Dmg – maximum damage from Blood Stab
Avg Dmg – average damage from Blood Stab per 1,000 successful skill uses.

Conclusion: Min Dmg and Max Dmg with the Blood Stab skill with 130/50 STR/DEX are higher than those with 100/80 STR/DEX. On the contrary, the average damage from Blood Stab is higher for 100/80 STR/DEX due to a greater number of critical hits with Blood Stab.

오셀의 경우 STR이 높을 때 최소/최대 대미지는 높지만
DEX가 높을 때 더 높은 평균 스킬 대미지를 갖게 됩니다.
스킬 크리티컬 영향이 더 크다 할 수 있겠지요.

한손과 양손의 대미지는 다른 게시물에서도 볼 수 있지만
저인챈에서는 한손단검이 더 높습니다만
충분히 고인챈이 되면 양손단검이 역전하게 됩니다.
(JT052 한손단검 vs 양손단검 참조)

- achor

본문 내용은 4,220일 전의 글로 현재의 관점과 다를 수 있습니다.


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First Written: 02/15/2013 13:28:19
Last Modified: 02/27/2025 10:14:09