YE038 STR에 따른 스킬 마스터리 확률

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Experiment 38: Skill Mastery Success Rate and STR

The Purpose of this test is to to reveal whether there is a strong correlation between success rate for Skill Mastery and base STR.

Character: Tyrr Warrior lvl 99, Human, equipped with Eternal Leather Armor (Enchant Type) Set and Amaranthine Slasher.

Test: The char attacks an NPC with Mega Strike with STR 100 and STR 200 (the stats are being altered through GM commands), 1000 attempts for each value. The cases when the cooldown time is being reset are recorded.

100 STR – 1000 attacks, the cooldown time was reset 9 times, so the success rate is about 0.9%.
200 STR – 1000 attacks, the cooldown time was reset 42 times, so the success rate is about 4.2%.

Conclusion: There is a certain correlation between character’s base STR and Skill Mastery success rate. But there is a cap for increase in STR so one can only increase the success rate for Skill Mastery up to a certain point. However Yul Arcchers and Othell Rogues have such skills as Superior Critical Arrow and Superior Critical Mastery that increase the success rate for Skill Mastery by 1000% (i.e. by 10), so for these classes the increase in STR gives a bigger bonus.

100 STR 증가 시 3.3% 증가하는 것으로,
산술적으로는 1 STR 당 0.033% 증가입니다.
STR 증가에 따른 스킬 마스터리 확률 증가도는 극히 미약하죠.
다만 오셀과 율의 경우에는 스킬 마스터리 확률 1000% 증가 패시브가 있어서 좀 더 효과적이긴 하죠.
그래 봤자 STR 당 0.33%이긴 합니다만.

각성 이전 스탯의 최대 총량은 동일하게 유지했던 방침을 바꿔 스탯을 증가할 수 있게끔 한 데에는
이와 같이 스탯의 영향도가 낮아진 것과 맞물려 있겠네요.
(다른 게시물을 통해 보여드리고 있습니다만 STR 뿐만 아니라 DEX, CON 등 모든 스탯 영향도가 각성 이전 대비 매우 낮아졌습니다)

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First Written: 02/15/2013 13:28:19
Last Modified: 02/27/2025 10:14:09