Experiment 2 Life Stone Instilled with Giants' Power and chance of acquiring skills
Task: to determine the chances of acquiring skills when enhancing a weapon with a Life Stone Instilled with Giants' Power.
Experiment: For this experiment I have chosen Amaranthine Caster, which I was enhancing with 500 Life Stones Instilled with Giants' Power. The chance of getting a skill is 100%, which helps us to determine the chances of acquiring particular skills even with a smaller sampling.
The results are shown in the table below:
Conclusion: The chance of acquiring passive skills is significantly lower than the chance of acquiring active skills and is about 10%.
거인생돌 제련으로 스킬을 얻을 확률은 100%로,
그 중 착대반, 착대반내성 등 패시브 스킬을 얻을 확률은 4.40%, 4.80% 등 상대적으로 낮으며,
기타 스킬들은 약 10% 가량의 확률을 갖고 있음.