YE017 MEN과 정신 내성과의 관계

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Experiment 17 MEN and Mental Resistance

Purpose: Reveal the extent to which resistance to mental debuffs is affected by MEN.

Test conditions: The Dark Backfire debuff land rate is tested for different target’s MEN values.

Character: level 99 Human Aeore Healer

Equipment: Amaranthine Retributer Acumen +3 , Robe Eternal Set (Magic-type) +3. Soulshots are not used.

Target: The debuff is landed on a level 99 Dark Elf Yul Archer

Target's equipment: Light Armor Eternal Set (Enchant Type) +3, Eternal Jewelry Set +3.

Both characters are unbuffed. I have carried out three series of experiments with 1000 debuff uses in each; in the first series the target’s MEN equals 35 (standard value), then, in the second series, the target’s MEN is set to 0 and, finally, in the third series the experiment is done with the target having 200 MEN (the characteristics are set via a GM command).


Target with 0 MEN: out of 1000 attempts, 86 failed, land rate: ~91.4%
Target with 35 MEN: out of 1000 attempts, 97 failed, land rate: ~90.3%
Target with 200 MEN: out of 1000 attempts, 205 failed, land rate: ~79.5%

Conclusion: Although resistance to mental debuffs depends on MEN, the stat is not the decisive factor for the land rate – the target’s buffs and epic jewelry are also to be taken into account.

다크 백파이어에 있어서 만큼은 MEN 상승으로 인한 저항 확률이 크지는 않음
다만 각 스킬마다 land rate는 다르기에 모든 마법적 디버프에 MEN이 이 정도로 효과 없다는 의미는 아님

- achor

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스탯과 저항확률은 1차 그래프처럼 정확하게 비례하지 않음

 2013-08-08 18:05:12    
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First Written: 02/15/2013 13:28:19
Last Modified: 02/27/2025 10:14:09